
Love vol* I [all you need is love tattaràràrà]
June 11, 2009, 3:10 pm
Filed under: à la carte: thematic playlitsts | Tags: , , , , , , ,

sun shines sky is blue and birds sing…yeah yeah yeah…we know it all.

This is the playlist for ppl in LOVE phase I [I found the ONE]

Enjoy.and get as silly as you can.

feat.: Charles Trenet, The Cure, Elvis, The Explorers Club, Beach Boys, Al Green, The Cardigans, Sondre Lerche, Barry Louis Polisar, Frank sinatra, Giuliano Palma & the Blue Beaters, the Rolling Stones, Cat Stevens, Travis, Soggy Bottom Boys, Bob Dylan, The Doors, Aretha Franklin.